OK... wow.... I'm speechless....
*deep breaths...deep breaths*
If anyone knows me they know I'm a big fan of my home state, good ol Jersey... no matter how much I travel, I always end up back here, and it always feels great. Whenever anyone hears NJ they think "great....asshole.... extra large coffee in one hand, and a middle finger on the other." It's fucking Jersey! We have produced some earth shattering things... Bruce Springsteen, Taylor Ham, The Sopranos, just to name a few.... All these reason its makes me proud to be from good ol Dirty Jersey... until now.....
I am officially at my wits end!
I found out the reason behind all things evil in this world and it starts with MTV (Empty V) and the 'Jersey Shore' It seriously frustrates me to no end, when people see this train wreck of a show they will associate NJ with it, not the positives I previously mentioned. I was flipping through the tube and stopped on this show and lasted 3 minutes, until my blood pressure rose, my hands turned to fists, and my brain cells were decreasing with every word spoken. I have never seen more spray on fake tans, fake muscles, and fake boobs. Any guy that has a nickname "The Situation" deserves to be locked in a room for 10 minutes with a few Hells Angels. And the girl with the nickname "snooki" ?!? "Hi.... welcome to planned parenthood".... I can't figure this show out, and more importantly can't figure out why its even on TV?!?!
A few of my observations:
1) Horrible....Horrible tattoos
2) The guys shirts are tighter then the girls
3) The BRIGHTEST white sneakers I've ever seen in my life
4) They DON'T deserve a Scarface poster
5) And... The WORST, absolute WORST hair I have ever seen in my life... Don King thinks your hairs fucked up
Seriously what's with that one heathen? He could be lifting weights in a wind tunnel, and that hair would NOT move, are you kidding me?!?! This seriously is hurting my head.
I'm from Jersey, I love the shore, and this officially ruined it for me, I REFUSE to go back to where these cretins where. Just doesn't feel right. It used to be about funnel cake, and rides, and skee ball. Now its about "this ho" and "that playa" and i'm tying a noose as we speak....
And to top it all off, this one clever fucker just said "I wanna put pickles under her bed" that was the final straw.... WHAT?!?!?! Who says/thinks that?! Pickles??!?!?! Fucking really?!?!?! I think the steroids shot through their arms, and landed right in their cerebellum, and exploded like a fire work!
I can go on all night about this, but if i do I will almost guarantee a trip to the ER. I just wish these kids parents knew about birth control.
So please...please.... PLEASE don't think of these kids when you think about Jersey, we have much more to offer then this train wreck. So please go back to thinking of the middle finger when you think about Jersey... Thank you!
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