Sunday, December 20, 2009

Another Year!

Well considering this year consisted of traveling, causing trouble, making some excellent new friends, seeing my 2 closest friends tie the knot, lots of empty bottles, lots of empty cigarette packs, and lots and lots of amazing times, it's hard to believe it's already over!

So I guess I should be the first to admit a lot I've done this year, wouldn't exactly classify as "smart", "safe" or "sane"

So what better time to do something right then now?!?

To all my friends, have an amazing holiday and a kick ass New Years! Live it up and party like rock stars! After all you only live once! Next time I see you all, first rounds on me!

Now that I proved I'm worthy of 'Saint' status....

Whats the difference between Tiger Woods and Santa?? Santa stopped after 3 ho's.

Awwwww shit!

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