Alot like last night... drunk of Jameson again.
Listening to Lucero, playing guitar, all while watching TV. Talented is an understatement!
Today I....
1) Got into a yelling match with some old dude today on the shoulder of route 46, since he didn't know how to drive, I honked, and called him out on it, he pulled over I did the same, and we started yelling at each other, then the cops came. Good times!
2) Pulled a muscle in my neck, and can barely move my head, its kinda funny, but its not, but it is, see where i'm coming from here?
3) Watched Bruno.... wow.....
4) Inadvertently pissed off **** since i didn't meet up with her...
5) Am missing Memphis, Tn.
6) Just went outside for a smoke, and there was a DEER in my front yard, what?!?! I'm pretty sure I asked him "What are you doing so far from home buddy?" .....I should probably stop drinking...
Goodnight Cleveland!
***Actually fuck Ohio....been there once... never again....*
You have such a sad liver Stevie